Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life in 2053 – “The Pedestrian” Before You Read.

In 2056 I expect life in America to be the same, but technology will still probably go on strong, and advance. I don’t expect much of a change maybe with economy. We have problems already so it might be even harder in the future or maybe the other way around. Maybe it’ll be an old problem from the past. Even though technology maybe advanced I still don’t believe that there’ll be flying cars or things that fly, other than airplanes! I hope, however, that life in America in the year of 2056 is somewhat easier for people. Economy wise and peace wise it’s horrible that people that shouldn’t be gaining power are gaining power. I hope that in the future this changes and the world can honestly be a better place.


  1. I also hope that the economy and international relations have improved by 2053!

  2. Thts great that the technology will improve but the rest sounds kind of negitive.=(

  3. Great picture, also good job on your response.
