Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Persuasive Paragraph

Students should be given money to buy gifts for their Friends, because for some students allowance isn’t enough when holidays come around. Students are able to work for money, but some students are too focused on school and studies. Other students are either too young or busy with other extracurricular activities or hobbies. This situation puts them in a position in which, unless they save their allowance, they do not have enough money to afford gifts for their friends. Students aren’t expected to buy gifts for friends, but since they are older now it is a sign of respect and being grateful for the person who the gifts are for. It is also a nice thing to do. If there is no money in a student’s wallet there is no gifts for they are no gifts for their friend. Handmade gifts are possible but to other students it may seem a bit childish and strange. That’s why there should be a little help from others to students in need of money.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you included handmade gifts. I would rather receive something that is handmade because it shows that one spent time to make it. I would also prefer that over getting a gift that left my friend broke. :-/
    But I understand the frustration. A little extra money probably would help.
