Thursday, January 13, 2011

A heart symbolizes our house which is girls 2.

A heart symbolizes our house which is girls 2. The heart symbol to others symbolizes love and it does. To me the heart symbolizes love, but along with love comes loyalty, devotion, care, protection and affection. That is what the heart symbol represents to me; therefore, I think that in my house the heart is a perfect symbol to represent us. Not only do we love each other nearly unconditionally, but we are deeply devoted into each others lives. Whenever one of us is in need of a talk or anything of that sort we are at all times there. We keep our conversation and our feelings confidential between each other which represents our loyalty towards. We care about each other profoundly I’ve noticed that the girls in my house care about me a modest amount more, because of my illness. This is when protection comes in to play. They protect me not only from certain temptation and urges, but we all protect each other from certain things we find harmful to each other. We have our troubles here and there like everybody else, but when it comes down we’re always there with affection towards each other.

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