Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Third Quarter Goals.

Last year (2010), I had the idea that I was going to drop dead any second so I gave up. I stopped trying in school I stopped trying to deal with anything point blank period. I literally went to school to drool on myself, stare blank at the board, and of course to warm up someone’s seat. I didn’t do much and I didn’t make any accomplishments, because frankly, plain and obviously I had no goals whatsoever, but to make it through the day. This new quarter I unfortunately almost started the same, but a certain someone’s choice to give up on me suddenly slapped me in the face so hard I landed in reality. This person told me they would basically support me physically, mentally, and emotionally and then they walked away. This made me wake up and say to myself “Hey Chels, get real no one is going to help you if you don’t help yourself first!” and that is one of my main goals. I’ve put myself before everyone else, especially due to the fact that I don’t really talk to anyone on this campus. I’ve set my long-term goals and my short-term goals to help me accomplish my long-term goals. To accomplish my short-term goals, however, I just have to keep doing what I’ve been doing and that’s keeping focus in school, keeping myself out of trouble, stop my attitude and create a better atmosphere for myself.


  1. Oh my gosh Chels, I'm still here for you!!
    I love you.

  2. I love your picture and great goals :) Keep it up!
