Friday, March 11, 2011

Memorable Valentine's Day

My most memorable valentine consists of the cops and my best friend’s mom being charged for kidnap. So about three or four years ago it was Valentines Day, and I went on about my usual daily routine. I went to school and did everything I was supposed to. It was Friday and I wanted to go to the movies with some of my friends, but my mom didn’t allow me to and after that she beat me for basically no reason; she was just having a bad day. So I grabbed some clothe and left and went to my best friends house, and her mom called the cops on my mom. When the cops came my mom totally fooled them and cried about how she beat me, because she loves me. The typical story. The cops scolded me and told me to go home with my mom as if it were me who preyed on my mother. On top of that they asked if she wanted to place kidnapping charges on my friend’s mom and she said yes. That’s how that friendship ended, and that was also my most memorable valentines day.

1 comment:

  1. Chelsea, Im sorry. :( This valentines Day was a lot better I'm guessing.
