Sunday, August 29, 2010

Paralyzed by Fear

One time in which I was paralyzed by fear was when I was six, It all started out around three o’clock in the afternoon, my sister, who was probably in sixth grade wanted to make a candle for her teacher, but she wasn't allowed to by my parents, she did it anyway and told me to go into my mom and dad’s room. So then a couple of minutes later I decided to go out and see what she was doing, and then suddenly I see this big orange light. I walked into the kitchen and then I saw this fire burning on top of the stove and my sister was freaking out. So I just stood there, crying watching this fire burn, and finally some lady came and carried me out. Then I really freaked out so I was screaming and kicking her, and then she told me to calm down. So then the cops and firefighters came, and since my mom and dad weren’t home, it was considered child neglect, and my sister and I got taken away to Polinsky, and put into the system for my first time. The End!

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